BISE Larkana Board Inter Result 2018


View Larkana result year 2018 from all educational boards.

Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Larkana prepares the FA/FSc annual exams result 2018 just after three months of the annual exams of HSSC class. Larkana Board Inter part 1 exams are started in second week of April and BISE Larkana Intermediate part 2 exams are also started in second or third week of the same month. After the 11th class annual exams, the practical papers of the science subjects are started.

BISE Larkana 12th class result 2018 is provided with complete information of the marks in all subjects. Larkana Board also declares the names of the position holder students in the main auditorium of the board. BISE Larkana invites the teachers and students in the Larkana Board Inter-I class result 2018. The prize distribution ceremony is held for the Larkana Board HSSC-II students, who are awarded with the prizes to become at the higher position in the Larkana Board FA/FSc result 2018.

Bise Larkana Inter Result 2018

You can check BISE Larkana Board Inter result 2018 online at here.

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